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Rules of Second Marriage in the UAE

Marriage is a legal bond between a man and a woman that entitles them to stay together, have a family, and secure their rights as well as the rights of their children. If the marriage is happening for the first time for a man and a woman, the procedure is quite simple. However, if a person decided to go in for a second marriage also called remarriage in the UAE, then he must know the proper rules and regulations. The wedding formalities and the ceremony that occurs at the time of a second marriage remain the same. However, the legal formalities differ here. In this article, we will be throwing light on the rules of second marriage in Dubai and how Dubai court marriage can be your guide in completing your journey of remarriage in the UAE.

The second marriage may need to be thought upon by the applicant as it involves a lot of financial legal and personal angles to be dealt with. The children if any, from the previous marriage need to be taken care of and should not be disturbed in any way. Therefore, one must be careful when planning on his second marriage in the UAE and must legalize the same in all respects after being fair to the spouse and kids from the previous marriage.

The legalities of a second marriage in the UAE

Similar to the first marriage, one has to go to the local court for submitting an application for remarriage. Remarriage or second marriage however is a bit more complicated and needs a bit more paperwork. The list of documents is a bit wider in this case, but you need not need to worry as we will detail it out here so that the process becomes simple for you.

The list of documents required for remarriage in the UAE are as follows-

  1. Government issues photo IDs for both bride and groom
  2. Birth certificate of the applicants for knowing the details like parent’s name, birth dates, place of birth, birth names and the date of passing, etc
  3. A government clinic issued a pre-marital screening certificate of both the applicants
  4. Attested marital status certificate of both the applicants stating if the applicant is a widow, divorced, or single.

Rules of second marriage for divorcees in the UAE

For divorcees, the divorce papers are to be presented for getting remarried in the UAE. The divorce papers can be got from the court where the divorce proceedings were completed. The applicant must be fully prepared to provide the exact information regarding the country in which the divorce was granted to him/her. The date of divorce, official grounds for divorce, and whether the spouse is still alive or dead have to be disclosed in the court. This may sound irrelevant to the applicant; however, one must ensure that the relevant proof has been put forward to the government that he/she is single and no longer married. This makes the second marriage or remarriage a legal one. The certificate of dissolution of marriage or the divorce certificate can be presented along with the application for second marriage.

Rules for widow/widower of second marriage in the UAE

The widow or widower must present the death certificate of his former spouse while applying for the second marriage. This is required as it serves as proof that you are no longer bound by your existing marriage and you have the right to get married again as you are widowed.

You may also read – The Legal Requirements for a Second Marriage

Rules of second marriage in the UAE for Muslims

The Muslim’s second marriage requires the presentation of the following documents in front of the court-

  1. Application for marriage duly filled in by the applicant
  2. Copy of contracting parties’ Emirates ID card
  3. Family book of legal guardians
  4. Valid passports of the applicants
  5. Premarital health screening certificate issued from the government approved health centres.

As per the rules, a Muslim man can marry more than once but the only condition here is that he should treat all his wives equally in all respects. 

Legal requirements following the second marriage in the UAE

For UAE locals, as soon as the marriage certificate gets issued, both the bride and the groom must visit the local authorities to get their names removed from the current family book of their family book and get their own family book.

For the residents, once the marriage contract has been issued, they should visit the local authorities to get their visa sponsorship changed. The local authorities then issue the resident visa of the spouse.

How Dubai court marriage can help you in legalizing your second marriage in the UAE

For the second marriage to be made valid in the UAE, all the formalities are to be completed. Hiring a legal professional can help in ensuring that any issues if they arise, can be dealt with easily and resolved within the specified time. To understand more on the rules and regulations of legalizing a second marriage in Dubai and in order to make your marriage legal in the UAE, get in touch with Dubai Court Marriage and we shall be helping you in every way possible to get the things done conveniently for you.

Hazim Darwish Practicing law for almost a decade, he has in-depth knowledge on UAE legislation with particular expertise on family law, and regulatory compliance for business organizations. Hazim Darwish also provides counsel on legal rights and obligations in the UAE to clients, including individuals and businesses subject to investigation or prosecution under Criminal Law by major regulators.